So you want to join ScalaBridge? That’s great! Here’s what you should do to make sure you hear about everything that’s going on:

  • Sign up for in-person and / or online sessions, so we know a bit about your background and can plan accordingly.
  • Join the [ScalaBridge Discord][discord] and / or the ScalaBridge Slack. In the Slack we mainly use the #london channel. If an invite link has expired please email and we’ll create a new one. (For historical reasons we use both Discord and Slack, but Discord is more active.)
  • Join the [ScalaBridge meetup group][meetup], and signup for the events you’ll attend.
  • Now read the [preparation][preparation] page for next steps.

Be aware that all ScalaBridge events are covered by our [code of conduct][coc].

Please fill this out if you intend to attend online sessions. It will help us greatly with organization.
[preparation]: /preparation