This page describes how you should prepare for ScalaBridge: software to install and things to read.


You should attempt to install some software, as described below. This can be complicated process so don’t worry if you can’t get it to work—we can help you on the day if needed.

Installing Scala

Installing Coursier will install all the software you need to run Scala programs.

A Development Environment

You’ll need a development environment to write Scala code. Here is what we recommend:

  • If you already have something set up, or you are comfortable with a particular tool in another language, keep using that; otherwise

  • Our first preference is to use Visual Studio Code, and the following extensions: Live Share Extension Pack, Scala (Metals), Scala Syntax (official), GitLens. Visual Studio Code is free, runs fine on most laptops, and how good support for sharing sessions over the Internet. When joining a Live Share session, make sure you open the link in the Visual Studio Code desktop application, not in a web browser.

  • Our second preference is IntelliJ, and the Scala plugin. IntelliJ has some features that Visual Studio Code does not, but it requires a more powerful laptop to run well and it has weaker support for sharing sessions across the Internet.


We use Discord for online meetings. Download and install the desktop client. It works much better than in the browser.

An Example Project

If you joining the Foundations track (learning to program), download (or fork or clone, if you are familiar with Git) the Creative Scala template to get a simple Scala project (with some reasonably appealing output).